

Cancer prevention programmes in Mexico: are we doing enough?

6 Jan 2020
Nicolás Padilla-Raygoza, Rebeca Monroy-Torres, Cuauhtémoc Sandoval-Salazar, Luz Elvia Vera-Becerra, María Esther Patiño-López, María de Lourdes García-Campos, Vicente Beltrán Campos, Mayra del Carmen Ortega Jiménez, Silvia del Carmen Delgado-Sandoval, Xóchitl Sofía Ramírez-Gómez, Sandra Neli Jimenez-García, Hilda Lissette López- Lemus

Cancer has increased in all the countries of the world and Mexico is no exception. The recognised risk factors for the main types of cancer are reviewed and searched through the Mexican government web pages and cancer prevention programmes to tackle the risk factors in the population. The Mexican government, a member of the World Health Organization, shows that the main approach is an early diagnosis rather than prevention, forgetting that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Effective public programmes should be promoted to reduce preventable risk factors in the population (smoking, nutrition, obesity, diet, environmental toxicity, sedentary lifestyle) and control the non-preventable factors (genetics) if we really want to control the incidence of different types of cancer.

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