
Special Issue

Cancer prevention and control: Kaposi’s sarcoma

25 Jul 2019
Jackson Orem

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a vascular tumour of endothelial origin that is associated with human herpes virus-8 infection. In sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS-KS remains the most common HIV-associated malignancy, and hence it poses a huge burden to the already constrained health-care systems. KS has four clinical variants, namely, classic, endemic, iatrogenic and epidemic KS. The histopathology in these different KS forms is essentially identical; however, they have different clinical patterns. Expanding knowledge of KS biology increases hope for prevention, disease control, and hence better quality of life among patients. Primary prevention strategy for KS-associated herpes virus and management of disease complication, such as lymphoedema should be the focus of disease prevention and control research.

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