
Case Report

Two cases of white globe appearance in non-cancerous stomach

7 Aug 2018
Masaya Iwamuro, Takahiro Tanaka, Hiroyuki Sakai, Yasushi Yamasaki, Hiromitsu Kanzaki, Seiji Kawano, Yoshiro Kawahara, Hiroyuki Okada

In this report, we describe two patients with white globe appearance in the non-cancerous stomach. The patient in Case 1 was an 82-year old Japanese man who had been taking vonoprazan, dimethicone, acotiamide, sitagliptin, candesartan, dutasteride, etizolam and zolpidem. The patient in Case 2 was a 74-year-old Japanese woman who had been taking esomeprazole, rebamipide, sitagliptin, candesartan, ezetimibe, mirabegron, levocetirizine, zolpidem and lactobacillus preparation. In both cases, endoscopy revealed multiple white spots in the stomach. Magnifying endoscopy and blue laser imaging revealed a slightly elevated, round, white substance. Biopsied specimens from the lesions contained parietal cell protrusions and fundic gland cysts. Intraglandular necrotic debris was absent. Consequently, microscopic features in these cases were different from those reported previously for white globe appearance observed in gastric cancer lesions. These results indicate that white globe appearance can be observed in non-cancerous stomach. Although the macroscopic features could be confusing or misleading, thorough endoscopic observation and pathological analysis of white globe appearance will aid oncologists and endoscopists in differentiating between cancer-related lesions and non-cancerous lesions.

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