

The current state of prostate cancer treatment in Trinidad and Tobago

24 Apr 2018
Satyendra Persaud, Maliza Persaud, Lester Goetz, Dylan Narinesingh

Prostate cancer mortality in the Caribbean region is among the highest in the world and prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Trinidad and Tobago. There is a two-tiered healthcare system in Trinidad and Tobago, and prostate cancer related issues account for a significant percentage of urologists’ workload. Delivery of care is sometimes constrained by limited financial resources. Prostate-specific antigen testing is widely available but there is no national guideline. Treatment options available include active surveillance, radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy. Patients have access to androgen deprivation, chemotherapy and palliative care for the management of advanced disease. Generally, the infrastructure for treatment in Trinidad and Tobago is satisfactory but would benefit from further investments in technology and human resources.

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