
Case Report

Traumatic iridial extrusion mimicking a conjunctival melanocytic neoplasm

12 Feb 2016
Pablo Zoroquiain, Maria SB Ganimi, Sarah Alghamdi, Julia V Burnier, Sultan S Aldrees, Miguel N Burnier

Conjunctival melanoma is a rare malignant tumour of the eye. Its diagnosis represents a challenge for general pathologists due to low exposure to ocular biopsies and a broad differential diagnosis. In addition, conjunctival samples are often small and are associated with a high frequency of artefacts due to their processing. Here, we present the first case to date of a traumatic iridial extrusion masquerading as a conjunctival melanocytic neoplasm. An 83-year-old Asian man presented with a conjunctival-pigmented nodule surrounded by an area of diffuse pigmentation. Histopathology revealed in the nodule a well-demarcated lesion composed of spindle shaped melanocytes with thick-walled blood vessels. At higher magnification, the blood vessels were composed of thick walls with collagen fibres in an onion-skin-like arrangement. The histological findings were consistent with extruded iridial tissue. The map biopsies of the flat, pigmented lesion showed melanocytic cell proliferation with dendritic processes restricted to the lamina propria without any epithelial involvement, consistent with ocular melanocytosis. The diagnosis of conjunctival melanocytic lesions is challenging, and non-neoplastic conditions should always be included in the differential diagnosis. Pathologists should correlate clinicopathological findings and be familiar with the normal histology in order to achieve the correct diagnosis.

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