

Post treatment lower limb lymphedema in carcinoma cervix

20 Mar 2025
Shreekant Dadheech, Kaustubh Burde, Pariseema Dave, Ruchi Arora, Chetna Parekh

Purpose: To determine the incidence of post-treatment lower limb lymphedema in cases of carcinoma cervix and its correlation with demographic and treatment-related factors.

Method: A retrospective observational study conducted over a duration of 2 years.

Inclusion criteria: Patients with carcinoma cervix who have completed their primary treatment, which included surgery followed by radiotherapy (RT) or concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (CCRT) or CCRT + Brachytherapy. All patients of carcinoma cervix were screened in the OPD during 3-monthly follow-ups post-completion of their treatment.

Results: In our study, we analysed 100 patients, of whom 15 developed lymphedema. The odds ratio was greater than 1 for external beam RT (OR-1.03), age of the patient (OR- 1.04) and stage of the disease (OR– 1.4). Thus, an association was found between lymphedema and the age of the patient, stage of the disease and external beam RT. No association was found between lymphedema and surgery or body mass index (BMI) of the patient.

Conclusion: Our study found an association between lower extremity lymphedema post-treatment in cervical cancer with age, International federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics stage and method of treatment. However, BMI was not associated with lower limb lymphedema post-treatment.

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