
Clinical Study

Can combined paravertebral and erector spinae block provide perioperative analgesia for mastectomy with LD flap reconstruction surgery? An observational study

27 Sep 2024
Arunangshu Chakraborty, Sanjit Agrawal, Shiladitya Bose, Rosina Ahmed, Rakhi Khemka

Background: Mastectomy and breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap (LDF) is a major surgery that covers eight or more dermatomes causing severe pain in the postoperative period.

Objective(s): We evaluated the analgesic effect of a hybrid technique of ultrasound-guided combined thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) and erector spinae plane block (ESPB) in a single needle pass in ten consecutive patients scheduled for mastectomy with LDF reconstruction as a part of a multimodal analgesia regimen.

Design: Prospective observational study.

Setting: A tertiary-level cancer hospital in Eastern India. The study was conducted between 01/09/2023 and 20/12/2023.

Patients: 10 consecutive consenting female patients of age between 18 and 75 years suffering from breast cancer, scheduled for a mastectomy with LDF reconstruction were recruited in this study, excluding patients with body mass index more than 40, coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia, skin conditions such as dermatitis, infection and so on, and known allergy to local anaesthetics (LAs).

Intervention(s): The recruited patients received an ultrasound-guided combined thoracic paravertebral and erector spinae (COMPARES) block at the third thoracic (T3) level in a single needle pass, with 10 mL in the TPVB and 30 mL in the ESPB compartment, respectively, in a cephalad to caudad approach before induction of general anaesthesia.

Main outcome measures: The primary endpoint was pain score at 9:00 am on postoperative day one. Other outcome measures were pain scores at postoperative hours 0 (immediately after awakening from general anaesthesia), 4, 8 and 12, postoperative nausea vomiting, requirement of rescue analgesics and pain score on shoulder movements on postoperative day one.

Results: Median (range) resting pain scores at 0, 4, 8 and 24 hours were 1.5 (0–5), 2.5 (0–4), 2.5 (2–5) and 3 (2–4), and dynamic pain score on shoulder mobilization on postoperative day one morning was 3 (2–6). Only one patient required rescue analgesia.

Conclusions: We found the technique inexpensive and potentially useful, but difficult in obese and short-statured patients due to increased depth and narrowing of the intertransverse space. This technique should be further evaluated in a randomised controlled trial.

Trial registration: This trial was registered with the Clinical Trials Registry of India with the registration number CTRI/2023/08/057119.

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