

Hemoglobin level and survival in cervical cancer with chemoradiotherapy at high altitude, 2020–2022

13 Sep 2024
José Fernando Robles Díaz

Background: The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the prognosis of altitude and pre-treatment hemoglobin (Hb) levels with progression-free survival (PFS) among women from the jungle and Andean regions of Peru with cervical cancer (CC) receiving weekly cisplatin and concurrent radiotherapy followed by brachytherapy or teletherapy boost.

Methods: Patients with advanced clinical stage II-IVA CC were grouped according to Hb level (≥ 12.0, 11.9–10.0, 9.9–9.0 and ≤ 8.9 g/dL). Outcome measures were PFS, overall survival and local PFS.

Findings: Between 1/2020 and 12/2022, 159 patients contributed demographic, clinical, pre-treatment Hb and outcome data with a median follow-up of 38 months. Kaplan–Meier estimates for survivals according to pre-treatment Hb level were significant when compared to a level of ≤8.9 g/dL, while estimates with altitude did not show statistical significance. Cox regression analysis of PFS demonstrated that pre-treatment Hb levels ≤8.9 g/dL (p = 0.000) were a significant factor. Age (p = 0.023), stage (p = 0.000), tumour size (p = 0.006) and treatment duration (p = 0.000) were also significant in the regression model.

Interpretation: There is no difference between altitude and survival, but the difference in pre-treatment Hb level was a prognostic indicator of survival, with a Hb level of ≤8.9 g/dL being the worst prognosis.

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