

Addressing sexual health in oncology: perspectives and challenges for better care at a national level

13 Sep 2024
Natalia Camejo, Camila Montenegro, Dahiana Amarillo, Cecilia Castillo, Gabriel Krygier

Introduction: The emotional impacts of oncological treatments can negatively affect sexual health and intimate relationships. Advances in cancer management have extended patient survival, underscoring the importance of addressing sexual health post-diagnosis.

Objectives: To explore physicians’ practices regarding the approach to sexual health during oncological consultations; identifying barriers to addressing sexuality and assessing the need for sexual health training.

Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study that assessed the management of sexual health by physicians involved in oncological treatment, using an anonymous questionnaire distributed via SurveyMonkey.

Results: Of 133 physicians surveyed, 31.6% never or rarely address sexual health. Only 10.5% feel frequently prepared on this topic, while 24.8% almost never have the appropriate tools to address it. 97.7% of oncologists and 92.9% of otolaryngologists (ENTs) recognize the need for sexual health training. Sexual health was more frequently discussed among patients diagnosed with prostate, cervical and breast cancer, and less so among those with ENT, bladder and colorectal tumours. The approach was more frequent among patients treated with curative intent (77.4%) than those with palliative intent (5%). The main barriers identified were lack of training (46%), lack of time (39.8%) and patient discomfort (34.6%).

Conclusion: The majority of professionals dealing with oncological patients do not address their sexual health, with the lack of training, lack of time and patient discomfort being the main barriers identified. However, 92% indicate a need for sexual health training, which could contribute to early intervention, strategy establishment and timely referral to specialists in the field.

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