

Management of BRCA-associated breast cancer patients in low and middle-income countries: a review

22 Aug 2024
Fen Saj, Shona Nag, Nita Nair, Bhawna Sirohi

Breast cancer poses a significant global health challenge, with higher incidence rates in developed countries. However, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) suffer from higher mortality rates due to various factors, including limited screening programs, delayed diagnosis and inadequate access to healthcare and advanced treatments. Approximately 5%–10% of breast cancer cases stem from germline mutations in BRCA-1/2 genes. A positive BRCA1/2 status obtained through genetic testing significantly influences surgical and medical treatment decisions. Therefore, genetic counseling, proper surveillance and customized interventions for BRCA1/2 carriers are essential to maximizing the benefits of monitoring, chemoprevention and risk-reducing surgeries for breast and ovarian cancers. Identification of BRCA mutations also impacts treatment strategies, leading to the integration of chemotherapeutic agents like platinum-based chemotherapy and PARP inhibitors. However, implementing these advanced treatment guidelines in LMICs with complex, fragmented and underfunded healthcare systems presents numerous challenges. In this review, we explore the current status and obstacles associated with managing BRCA1/2-associated breast cancer in LMICs.

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