
Conference Report

Highlights from the 7th Oncological Pathology Conference ‘Pathological Anatomy in the context of the National Cancer Law: An overview of the Latin American experience’, 15, 22 and 23 July 2022, Trujillo, Peru

3 Nov 2022
Caddie Laberiano-Fernández, Joan Moreno Luján, Bruno de Carvalho Dornelas, Magali Franco Benites, Patricia Gutiérrez Quispe, Valeria Aguilar Vásquez, Andric Guerrero Espinoza, Elsa Guerra Guerra, Gabriela Gil-Arroyo Álvarez, Juan Astigueta-Pérez, María Teresa García de Davila, Sandro Casavilca Zambrano, Tatiana Casavilca Zambrano, Alejandro Mariños, Emmanuel S González, Rossana Lazcano, Ricardo R Lastra, Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero, Henry Guerra Miller, Ricardo H Bardales, Milagros Abad-Licham

The seventh session of the Oncological Pathology Conference (JoPaO) entitled ‘Pathological Anatomy in the context of the National Cancer Law: An overview of the Latin American experience’, was held virtually on July 15, 22 and 23. Peru was the headquarters for this event, where 17 national and international professors of high academic standing participated. They interacted in a multidisciplinary context through talks with national panellists and the general public. The recent promulgation of the ‘National Cancer Law’ fosters the development of discussion forums to analyse the national realities and uphold continuous learning about experiences in other Latin American countries with successful cancer programmes, in which pathology holds a principal role. The topics addressed during this JoPaO included the exchange of Latin American cancer management experiences, an emphasis on investments in and the development of strategic plans to improve care, the use of new technologies, laboratory quality control, and the need to advance scientific research.

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