
Clinical Study

Survey of professionals on breast cancer, fertility preservation and pregnancy in Argentina

10 Feb 2021
Alejandra García, Gabriela Candás, Agustina Bemi, Héctor Daniel Vuoto, Ernesto Korbenfeld, Juan Isetta, Lucas Cogorno, Agustina González Zimmermann, Marcia Sigal, Santiago Acevedo, Julia Berwart, Martín Naveira, María Delfina Ocampo, Juan Luis Uriburu

Introduction: Medical knowledge regarding preservation of fertility and pregnancy in patients with breast cancer (BC) is of interest. We, therefore, decided to conduct a survey on this issue among professionals involved in the treatment of BC in Argentina.

Materials and methods: A survey was conducted and sent by email to 3,412 contacts in the Argentine Mastology Society (Sociedad Argentina de Mastología, or SAM) database, with responses from 396 physicians. The survey design was based on the Lambertini 2017 survey. To the author’s knowledge, it is the first Argentine survey to address this issue.

Results: The frequency with which the impact of cancer treatment on the fertility of young patients was addressed by the respondent and referred to a fertility specialist was ‘always’ and ‘almost always’ in 86.8% and 78.5% of cases, respectively.

Conclusions: The level of knowledge is comparable to the data presented by other surveys. Membership in a Mastology Unit was associated with more current treatment. Continued work on the training of professionals is necessary to facilitate communication, information and guidance of patients of childbearing age who are going to have cancer treatment in order to advise them on fertility preservation, as well as the possibility of pregnancy after diagnosis of BC, and to be able to provide better care to those with BC associated with pregnancy.

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