

Brazilian Group of Gastrointestinal Tumours’ consensus guidelines for the management of gastric cancer

20 Oct 2020
Renata D’Alpino Peixoto, Duilio R Rocha-Filho, Rui F Weschenfelder, Juliana FM Rego, Rachel Riechelmann, Anelisa K Coutinho, Gustavo S Fernandes, Alexandre A Jacome, Aline C Andrade, Andre M Murad, Celso AL Mello, Diego SCG Miguel, Diogo BD Gomes, Douglas J Racy, Eduardo D Moraes, Eduardo H Akaishi, Elisangela S Carvalho, Evandro S Mello, Fauze Maluf Filho, Felipe JF Coimbra, Fernanda C Capareli, Fernando F Arruda, Fernando MAC Vieira, Flavio R Takeda, Guilherme CC Cotti, Guilherme LS Pereira, Gustavo A Paulo, Héber SC Ribeiro, Laercio G Lourenco, Marcela Crosara, Marcelo G Toneto, Marcos B Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Oliveira, Maria Dirlei Begnami, Nora M Forones, Osmar Yagi, Patricia Ashton-Prolla, Patricia B Aguillar, Paulo CG Amaral, Paulo M Hoff, Raphael LC Araujo, Raphael P Di Paula Filho, Rene C Gansl, Roberto A Gil, Tulio EF Pfiffer, Tulio Souza, Ulysses Ribeiro Jr, Victor Hugo f Jesus, Wilson L Costa Jr, Gabriel Prolla

Gastric cancer is among the ten most common types of cancer worldwide. Most cases and deaths related to the disease occur in developing countries. Local socio-economic, epidemiologic and healthcare particularities led us to create a Brazilian guideline for the management of gastric carcinomas. The Brazilian Group of Gastrointestinal Tumors (GTG) invited 50 physicians with different backgrounds, including radiology, pathology, endoscopy, nuclear medicine, genetics, oncological surgery, radiotherapy and clinical oncology, to collaborate. This document was prepared based on an extensive review of topics related to heredity, diagnosis, staging, pathology, endoscopy, surgery, radiation, systemic therapy and follow-up, which was followed by presentation, discussion, and voting by the panel members. It provides updated evidence-based recommendations to guide clinical management of gastric carcinomas in several scenarios and clinical settings.

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