
Case Report

Tyrosine crystal deposition in pleomorphic adenoma: a rare presentation in a male smoker with long-term follow-up

23 Sep 2024
Sandhya Tamgadge, Gokul Venkateshwar, Treville Pereira, Avinash Tamgadge, Simran Pethani

This case report presents the diagnosis and management of a pleomorphic adenoma in a 55-year-old male smoker with a habit of smoking tobacco for 6 years. The patient presented with a chief complaint of swelling in the posterior palatal region. Clinical examination revealed a well-circumscribed, non-tender, firm swelling in the palatal region. An incisional biopsy followed by surgical excision was performed, and histopathological evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma. Tyrosine crystals were observed within the tumour stroma, providing additional diagnostic insight. A 10-year post-operative follow-up revealed no recurrence of the lesion.

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