2020 updates in treating NTRK fusion cancer

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Published: 22 Dec 2020
Views: 2056
Dr Alexander Drilon and Prof Marc Peeters

In 2020, yet again several posters and presentations featured intriguing data from studies of NTRK inhibitors in cancer patients. In this summary session, our Chair Professor Dr Marc Peeters and our guest speaker Dr Alexander Drilon discuss four selected abstracts from ESMO 2020. These are:

1955P - Survival benefits of larotrectinib in an integrated dataset of patients with TRK fusion cancer

540P - Entrectinib in patients with ROS1 fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or NTRK fusion-positive solid tumours: Analysis of response by line of therapy

1916P - Larotrectinib treatment of advanced TRK fusion thyroid cancer

364O - Intracranial efficacy of entrectinib in patients with NTRK fusion-positive solid tumours and baseline CNS metastases

This independent educational activity is supported by an educational grant from Bayer Pharmaceuticals. The educational content has been developed by Liberum IME and validated by an independent steering committee; Bayer Pharmaceuticals have had no influence on the content of this education.

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