ASCO 2024: Lung cancer highlights

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Published: 26 Jun 2024
Views: 163
Dr Antonio Passaro, Dr Matthew Krebs, Prof Raffaele Califano, Prof Nicolas Girard and Dr Anna Minchom

Dr Antonio Passaro (European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy), Dr Matthew Krebs (The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK), Prof Raffaele Califano (The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK), Prof Nicolas Girard (Institut Curie, Paris, France) and Dr Anna Minchom (Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK) discuss their highlights in the field of lung cancer from ASCO 2024 in this online webinar.

Prof Girard begins the discussion by presenting his talk on 'EGFR inhibitors - where are we moving to?' before he and his fellow panellists further discuss this question.

Prof Califano then presents a talk on the 'Updates on genomic driven NSCLC', sharing data from the Harmoni-A, KRYSTAL-12 and CROWN studies.

Dr Minchom then shares her thoughts on the 'Updates on non-genomic driven lung cancer' with a talk which is followed up by discussion from the whole panel.

Dr Krebs rounds up by giving his 'take home messages' from the discussion before closing the meeting.

This programme is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Johnson & Johnson