OncoAlert and ecancer weekly roundup for November 2 - 7, 2020

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Published: 9 Nov 2020
Views: 974
Dr Gil Morgan - Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

Dr Gil Morgan from OncoAlert gives his oncology highlights from social media for the week of November 2nd - 7th.

Dr Morgan covers papers from The Lancet, JCO, JTO, Nature Reviews Cancer, Nature reviews Nephrology, Nature Medicine and Cancer Discovery.

Dr Morgan reminds colleagues that ASCO elections are open until December 8th.

There is also a shoutout for the new 'Beyond the Journal' podcast from Jack West and Charu Agarwal.

You can watch Dr Morgan's previous roundup for October 26 - 31 2020 here.

Follow Dr Morgan on twitter: @OncoAlert

Follow ecancer on twitter: @ecancer