Communicating risk in familial cancer: the European patient's perspective

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Published: 26 Jul 2010
Views: 8764
To take the genetic test or not...?
Dr Rachel Iredale, Prof Lesley Fallowfield, Carol Maddock, Maureen Gilbert, Cathie Lockenwitz, Francisca Bach Kolling-Dandrieu and Roswitha Britz discuss taking the test.
What are the implications of knowing you are a gene carrier and how can you be better supported?
For the women in these clips, discovering they carried the BRCA gene was almost by accident. Should more be done to highlight that there are potentially increased risks within families for certain specific cancers?

We would like to thank the following patient organisations for their help:

The Danish Breast Cancer Organisation

The Federation of Breast Cancer in Spain

and the Dutch breast cancer site
& (The advocacy site for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer)