The 2022 OncoAlert Colloquium Day 1: Breast Cancer

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Published: 30 Jan 2023
Views: 99
Dr Gilberto Morgan - Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden

Dr Gilberto Morgan introduces the first day (23rd January) of the 2022 OncoAlert Colloquium.

Day one of the Colloquium focusing on the best in Breast Cancer 2022 and hosts the following key speakers:

Dr Erika Hamilton (Sarah Cannon Institute, Nashville, USA) presenting on 'Advanced Hormone Receptor Positive HER2 positive breast cancer'.

Dr Hope Rugo (UCSF, San Francisco, USA) presenting on 'Advanced Triple negative breast cancer'.

Ms Janice Cowden (USA) presenting on 'Giving us the The Patient Perspective Breast Cancer'.

Dr Evandro de Azambuja (Inst. Jules Bordet, Bruxelles, Belgium) presenting on 'Early hormone receptor positive Her2 positive breast cancer'.

Dr Maryam Lustberg (Yale Cancer, New Haven, USA) presenting on 'Early triple negative breast cancer'.

Ms Jo Taylor (Patient advocate) on 'ABC Diagnosis'.

Dr Icro Meattini (University of Florence, Florence, Italy) presenting on 'Breast Cancer Radiation Oncology on the ASTRO Session'.

Dr Stephanie Graff (Brown University, Providence, USA) discussing 'Current Controversies and future trends in Breast Cancer Research'.

Dr Matteo Lambertini (University of Genova, Genoa, Italy) presenting on 'Fertility Preservation'.

Ending with a SIOG session by Dr KL Cheung (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK) presenting on 'Comparing Surgery Vs Endocrine Therapy in early operable Breast Cancer'.