Choosing wisely: Importance for cancer patients in India

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Published: 28 Jan 2020
Views: 2548
Dr Bhawna Sirohi and Prof C S Pramesh

Dr Bhawna Sirohi (Max Institute of Cancer Care, New Delhi, India) speaks to Prof C S Pramesh (Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India) at the Choosing Wisely: Value added cancer care for India event in Delhi about the "choosing wisely" initiative.

Prof Pramesh believes that this initiative is extremely important for low-middle income settings such as India, as an investment in public healthcare is low in these areas.

The experts discuss the National Cancer Grid guidelines in India and how these aim to introduce health technology assessments and establish a uniform standard of care for all cancer patients.

Prof Pramesh also mentions that the National Cancer Grid is working with the National Health Authority to incorporate quality and evidence-based practice.

Prof Pramesh believes that the institution of palliative and supportive care should be implemented without delay in patients with advanced cancers, for the sake of starting conventional chemotherapy earlier.