The treatment landscape of occular melanoma

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Published: 21 Oct 2019
Views: 1187
Maitry Patel CCPA - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Canada

Maitry Patel speaks to ecancer at the APAO 2019 meeting in Boston about the treatment landscape of occular melanoma.

She states that plaque brachytherapy is most commonly used to treat this rare malignancy, along with enucleation if the tumour is large.

Patel also mentions some ongoing clinical trials that are exploring the use of systemic therapies, in the event of lung or liver metastasis. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this treatment is effective.

She emphasises the collaboration between radiation oncologists and the opthalmology team in the treatment of this disease type.

Patel concludes by discussing the importance and growth of physician associates (PAs) in this field.