Highlights from SIOP Africa 2019 (Arabic)

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Published: 28 May 2019
Views: 1672
Elhamy Rifky Khalek - Zagazig University, Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

Prof Elhamy Rifky Khalek talks about the 13th African Continental Meeting of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) which was held in Cairo, Egypt in March 2019.

This formed the largest forum of healthcare professionals focused on children and young people with cancer in Africa to showcase advances and discuss further improvements.

Dedicated to the three Kenyan delegates who died tragically on the Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 on their way home, full of new ideas and pride in what they had achieved so far. All those who heard their presentations are determined to continue their excellent work to improve cancer care for children in Africa.

Read the full conference report here.