It’s been a very exciting journey from ten years ago when WIN started as the germ of an idea and just a symposium. Over the ensuing ten years the symposium has grown in its attendance, in the quality of the speakers and the research it’s been attracting. Of course, WIN itself has gone from starting just as a meeting to then becoming a true consortium that’s legally incorporated in the country of France, that has actually now successfully completed its first clinical trial and launched its second and has several other trials in development.
So we’ve gone from being a baby to a toddler to now maybe a pre-teen over ten years but we are gaining maturity, we are gaining experience, I think we are gaining in reputation around the world. It’s very gratifying to see, again, so many outstanding institutions from so many countries represented among the membership of WIN, coming to the meeting, engaging in the discussion .We’re at a very exciting time now and the future for the WIN Consortium is quite bright.