IMPAKT: Biomarker lead trials for breast cancer

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Published: 15 Mar 2017
Views: 2030
Dr Fatima Cardoso - Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, Portugal

Dr Cardoso speaks with ecancer about the upcoming IMPAKT conference, highlighting the educational and interactive elements of the biomarker-focused meeting.

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The IMPAKT is now a long tradition of a meeting focussing on translational research for breast cancer. It basically looks into preclinical and clinical research that has to do with biomarkers. Some of the characteristics that are different from this conference is that it has a very interesting pre-conference course and it’s particularly interesting for early career researchers who would like to do biomarker led trials to discuss the methodology that can be used. All the sessions are focussed more on biomarkers and how to bring them to the clinical path. So it’s a different type of meeting, a smaller meeting and a more interactive meeting, so we do expect that the audience not just ask questions but really is engaged in the discussions.