‘Go-Go’ CLL patients: a look towards the future

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Published: 14 Nov 2013
Views: 4035
Professor Clemens Wendtner - Klinikum Schwabing, Munich, Germany

Professor Wendtner gives an overview of the latest FCR vs. FC results in terms of PFS and OS, and outlines how these can be predicted in peripheral blood.  However, toxicity issues and secondary malignancies need to be managed with FCR, and ideally future concepts will address this. 

Indeed, the phase II trial in ‘go-go’ patients with bendamustine plus rituximab is outlined, with fewer adverse events observed vs. FCR.

Also, results of a phase III trial of bendamustine plus rituximab vs. FCR in ‘go-go’ patients will soon be announced. Professor Wendtner also mentions on-going studies in this patient group with lenalidomide.

Finally, future clinical studies are outlined, eg, CLL13, CLL3001/CLLR1 and CLL14, as are the numerous newer treatments being explored, eg, ibrutinib, GA-101 and ABT-199.


Content taken from a Mundipharma sponsored satellite symposium at iwCLL 2013 as part of the official programme.