OncoAlert Round Up for September 1-7, 2023

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Published: 12 Sep 2023
Views: 36
Dr Gil Morgan - Executive Director, OncoAlert

Dr Gil Morgan from OncoAlert gives his oncology highlights from social media for the week of September 1-7, 2023.

He begins by highlighting the announcement of two additional FDA breakthrough therapy designations for trastuzumab deruxtecan based in promising results across multiple Her2 expressing advanced solid tumours.

Dr Morgan also discusses the coopERA phase 2 trial which examined giredestrant as a potential alternative to current endocrine therapies for untreated early breast cancer.

He also mentions a study which investigates the impact of exercise and nutrition intervention on chemotherapy completion and pathologic complete response in breast cancer patients. Then he highlights an article which reviews the current state of palliative cancer care.

Dr Morgan concludes by outlining a study comparing bladder sparing trimodal therapy and radical cystectomy that showed equivalent survival outcomes for non-metastatic clinically node positive bladder cancer patients.

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