Stereotactic body radiotherapy with CyberKnife in adrenal and spinal tumours

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Published: 31 Jan 2023
Views: 65
Dr Escarlata Lopez - GenesisCare, Spain

Dr Escarlata Lopez speaks to ecancer about her talk on stereotactic body radiotherapy with CyberKnife in adrenal and spinal tumours. 

SBRT is is an ablative treatment option allowing larger doses to be delivered over a shorter period of time. Dr Lopez highlights the positives of this treatment type, including improving quality of life.

I am Dr Escarlata Lopez and nowadays I am the Chief Medical Officer in GenesisCare, Spain. GenesisCare is the most important provider in oncology in the world because we are based in Australia, the UK, the United States and Spain. I am very grateful because I have been invited to this important meeting, the most important in Africa and the Middle East. I am very proud because collaboration between doctors is essential for the wellbeing of our patients. 

My talk has been about new technology and ultra-hypofractionation, what I think is really the future of radiotherapy in the majority of pathologies. We should discuss every patient in medical MDTs to decide what is the best treatment for each patient in an individualised way. SBRT is a very short treatment, out-patient, comfortable, safe, with very few toxicities and we can help a lot our patients because quality of life is so important. We should cure our patients but also with quality of life. Our promise is to give better for longer the treatments.

For me, to be here in this amazing country is fantastic because we can collaborate; we can be out of the thinking box and to open the way for future generations to train new doctors to innovate, to tell them it is possible, we can do it together because now, in this global world, we can discuss every patient between countries, between colleges, because we can be only one. So thank you very much.