Luminal A-type breast cancer patients with low levels of the Ki67 biomarker can avoid outcomes related to radiotherapy

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Published: 7 Jun 2022
Views: 377
Dr Timothy J. Whelan - McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

Dr Timothy Whelan speaks to ecancer about the LUMINA study results, looking at biomarker guidance for patients 55 or older with low-grade luminal A-type breast cancer to avoid radiation therapy.

Dr Whelan notes that the primary outcome of the study was a 2.3% chance of local recurrence, there was a 1.9% chance of breast cancer developing in the opposite breast and a recurrence-free survival rate of 97.3%.

The overall survival rate was 97.2%. These results showed that this subset of patients with low-grade luminal A-type breast cancer may only need endocrine therapy following breast-conserving surgery and could avoid radiation therapy entirely.

He concludes by speaking about the impact of these results on the future treatment of cancer.

Watch Dr Whelan's press conference on the study here

Watch Dr Speers comment on the study here

Watch Dr Bishal Gyawali comment on the study here

Read our news story about the study here

Studies have shown in the past that identifying women with low risk breast cancer just with clinical factors alone have not been particularly helpful but increasingly we understand the molecular biology of breast cancer. So our study was really focussed on using clinical pathological factors but also molecular factors such as the luminal A subtype which we identified just using protein markers – so ER, PR, HER2 and, in particular, Ki67.

We did a prospective cohort study where we enrolled 500 women who had low risk breast cancer based on clinical factors. So they had to be greater than 55 years of ago or 55 years of age and they had to have a T1 cancer or N0, grades 1 and 2. Then we did routine ER, PR and HER2 testing in their own hospital laboratory and we did Ki67 in central laboratories, three laboratories across Canada. If they had a low Ki67, less than 13.25%, they were determined to be luminal A subtype and they were enrolled in the trial and followed for five years. 

What we found was a very, very low rate of local recurrence if they were just treated with breast conserving surgery and endocrine therapy alone without RT. So at five years the rate was 2.3% and the confidence interval, particularly the upper confidence interval, was 3.8%, well below the 5% cut-off that we chose a priori. So we felt pretty confident that this rate was low and that these patients didn’t require radiotherapy.

Of interest, the rate in the contralateral untreated breast cancer was 1.8% so very similar to the rate of 2.3% that we observed in the treated breast. Overall recurrences were very low as well, 2.7%.

So the implication is that if you have a woman that fits these clinical pathological criteria and also the luminal A subtype as we measured it that the risk is so low that we believe that they don’t require radiotherapy after lumpectomy as long as they are receiving endocrine therapy for five years.