OncoAlert and ecancer weekly round up for October 18th - October 23rd, 2021

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Published: 26 Oct 2021
Views: 600
Dr Gil Morgan - Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden

Dr Gil Morgan from OncoAlert gives his oncology highlights from social media for the week of October 18th - October 23rd, 2021.

Alerts this week cover papers from Annals of Oncology, JCO, JAMA Oncology and The Green Journal.

Dr Morgan congratulates ASCO President-Elect Dr Eric Winer for being named director of Yale Cancer.

He also draws attention to the OncoAlert podcast where Drs Dizon, Hamilton and Liu discuss the past 3 oncology FDA approvals based on MonarchE, IMpower010 and KEYNOTE826.

You can watch Dr Morgan's previous roundup here.

Follow Dr Morgan on twitter: @OncoAlert

Follow ecancer on twitter: @ecancer